Problemaz 2016, C 31-viii-2016

Problemaz 2016

Section A h2 :Judge Franz Pachl, Germany

Section B h2,5-3 :Judge Axel Gilbert, France

Section C h3,5-7 :Judge Pierre Tritten. France

Deadline; 31 August 2016.

Send to :


Valentin Rudenko MT, C 31-viii-2016

Valentin RUDENKO Memorial Tourney

The Chess Federation of Ukraine, its Commission for Chess Composition, and the editors of The Problemist of Ukraine announce a composing tourney in memory of outstanding modern problemist Valentin Rudenko (19.02.1938 – 02.04.2016) in the following sections:
Twomovers – judge V. Dyachuk (e-mail:
Threemovers – judge V. Kryzhanivsky (e-mail:
Moremovers – judge A. Karamanits (e-mail:
Helpmates – judge A. Semenenko (e-mail:
Selfmates – judge Y. Gordian (e-mail:
Problems are to be sent to the email address of the judge of the respective section before September 1, 2016.
The Memorial Tourney award will be published in a separate booklet and sent to the participants whose problems are included in the award. Other participants will receive an electronic version of the award.
A prize fund for the winners has been set up.

2nd Ali Tebrizi Shatranji MT, C 31-viii-2016

2nd Ali Tebrizi Shatranji (14th-15th century) MT, 2016

The Azerbaijan Chess Composition Commission organizes an International Tourney of Composition for studies of the Ali Tebrizi Shatranji (14th-15th century chess player).

Theme: free.
Studies – Judge: Muradkhan Muradov (Gobustan, Azerbaijan)
H#2 – Judge: Valery Barsukov (Russia).

Send to:
Studies please send PGN files.

Closing date: 31. 08. 2016.
The award - 2016.

Sabuhi Huseynov - 65 МТ, C 31-viii-2016

Sabuhi Huseynov - 65 МТ, 2016 (29.03.1951 – 12.10.2000)

The Azerbaijan Chess Composition Commission announces an International Composing Tourney “Sabuhi Huseynov-65”' memorial tournament for twomovers (free theme).

#2 - Judge: Anatoli Stepochkin (Russia).

Send to tournament director: Vidadi Zamanov
Closing date: 31. 08. 2016.
The award - 2016.

Mejnun Vahidov -70 MT, C 31-viii-2016

Mejnun Vahidov -70 MT, 2016

The Azerbaijan Chess Composition Commission announces an International Composing Tourney “Mejnun Vahidov-70”' memorial tournament for twomovers and threemovers (free theme).

Mejnun Vahidov, (27.07.1946- 30.04.2009), was a co-author of several themes in chess composition, like, the Azerbaijan (Vladimirov) theme (1977), the Azerbaijanian Novotny (1981), the Bakunian Novotny (1985) and others.

Section: #2 (twomovers) and #3 (threemovers) - (free theme).
Judge: #2- Anatoli Stepochkin (Russia) and #3- Alexander Melnichuk (Russia).

Send to:
Closing date: 31. 08. 2016.
The award – 2016.

Sergiu THAN-80 MT, C31-viii-2016

Announcement :

extension of deadline :

Award (31-xii-2016) :

José Tolosa y Carreras-100 MT, C-30-viii-2016

Memorial José Tolosa y Carreras-100, 2016
Con motivo del centenario de la muerte de José Tolosa y Carreras (20/11/1846-28/4/1916, Problemas n. 5, enero 2014, pp. 93-97), la Sociedad Española de Problemistas de Ajedrez convoca el Memorial José Tolosa y Carreras-100, en dos secciones: a) problemas ortodoxos de mate directo en dos jugadas (#2), y b) problemas ortodoxos de mate directo en tres jugadas (#3), con tema libre. El plazo de admisión de originales finalizará el 31 de agosto de 2016. Actuará de juez, en ambas secciones, José Antonio Coello Alonso, y como director del torneo Imanol Zurutuza. Los originales deberán enviarse a la dirección electrónica, y se publicarán en el boletín Problemas durante 2016.

José Tolosa y Carreras Memorial Tournament-100,  2016
On the occasion of the first centenary of the death of José Tolosa y Carreras (20/11/1846-28/4/1916, Problemas n. 5, January 2014, pp. 93-97), the Sociedad Española de Problemistas de Ajedrez (SEPA) announces a Memorial Tournament in two sections: a) orthodox directmate problems in two moves (#2) and b) orthodox directmate problems in three moves (#3). The themes are free. Originals must be submitted before August 31, 2016 to the director of the tournament, Imanol Zurutuza Judge: José Antonio Coello. All accepted problems will be published in Problemas during 2016.
Mémorial José Tolosa y Carreras-100, 2016
À l’occasion du centenaire de la mort de José Tolosa y Carreras (20/11/1846-28/4/1916, Problemas n. 5, janvier 2014, pp. 93-97), la Sociedad Española de Problemistas de Ajedrez annonce le Mémorial José Tolosa y Carreras-100, en deux sections: a) problèmes orthodoxes, mat en 2 coups (#2), et b) problèmes orthodoxes, mat en 3 coups (#3), à thème libre. Délai de réception des originaux jusqu'au 31 août 2016. Le juge pour les deux sections sera José Antonio Coello.  Directeur du tournoi: Imanol Zurutuza. Les originaux, qui devront être envoyés à l'adresse électronique, seront publiés dans le bulletin Problemas pendant l’année 2016.
Memorial José Tolosa y Carreras-100, 2016
In occasione del centesimo anniversario della morte de José Tolosa y Carreras (20/11/1846-28/4/1916, Problemas n. 5, gennaio 2014, pp. 93-97), la Sociedad Española de Problemistas de Ajedrez organizza il Memorial José Tolosa y Carreras-100, suddiviso in due sezioni: a) problemi ortodossi diretti in 2 mosse (#2), b) problemi ortodossi diretti in 3 mosse (#3), a tema libero. Termine per l'invio degli originali: 31 agosto 2016. Il Giudice per le due sezioni sarà José Antonio Coello. Direttore: Imanol Zurutuza. Gli originali devono essere inviati all'indirizzo e-mail:, e saranno pubblicati nella newsletter Problemas nel corso dell'anno 2016.
Мемориальный конкурс José Tolosa y Carreras-100, 2016
По случаю столетия со дня смерти José Tolosa y Carreras (20/11/1846-28/4/1916, Problemas №5, январь 2014, стр. 93-97) Общество шахматных композиторов Испании (“Sociedad Española de Problemistas de Ajedrez” (SEPA)) объявляет Мемориальный конкурс (José Tolosa y Carreras-100 Memorial Tournament) в двух разделах: a) ортодоксальные прямые маты в 2 хода (#2); b) ортодоксальные прямые маты в 3 хода (#3). В обоих разделах свободная тема. Срок присылки оригинальных композиций в адрес директора конкурса (Imanol Zurutuza, – до 31 августа 2016 г. Судья: José Antonio Coello. Все принятые задачи будут опубликованы в “Problemas” в течение 2016 г.

Yury Kalugin MT-II, C 21-viii-2016

II Memorial Tourney “Yury Kalugin” is announced.

Stipulation: #3 and ‪#‎N‬ with more than 10 pieces
Theme is free, but thematic variations must show the chess beauty: sacrifice, ambush, quiet play and etc. Captures of black officers are not welcome in thematic variations.

Every author can send only 1 problem in every section (including joint).

Problems are to be sent to the judge Aleksandr Sygurov via e-mail not later than August 21, 2016.

Award will be sent to all participants by email.