Mejnun Vahidov -70 MT, C 31-viii-2016

Mejnun Vahidov -70 MT, 2016

The Azerbaijan Chess Composition Commission announces an International Composing Tourney “Mejnun Vahidov-70”' memorial tournament for twomovers and threemovers (free theme).

Mejnun Vahidov, (27.07.1946- 30.04.2009), was a co-author of several themes in chess composition, like, the Azerbaijan (Vladimirov) theme (1977), the Azerbaijanian Novotny (1981), the Bakunian Novotny (1985) and others.

Section: #2 (twomovers) and #3 (threemovers) - (free theme).
Judge: #2- Anatoli Stepochkin (Russia) and #3- Alexander Melnichuk (Russia).

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Closing date: 31. 08. 2016.
The award – 2016.