Schach magazine, C 31 XII 2015, informal tourneys

Informalturniere SCHACH 2015 (tourney announcement for 2015)
SCHACH schreibt 1-Jahresturniere aus: (SCHACH announces 1-year-tourneys for:)
#2 Dejan Glisic
#3 Michael Schreckenbach
#n Abdelaziz Onkoud
h# Silvio Baier
s# Gunter Jordan
eg (2014/15) Martin Minski
post: Udo Degener, Stephensonstr. 47, D - 14482 Potsdam, Germany

The Problemist 2014-2015, C 31-XII-2015

The Problemist 2014-2015
Direttore: Yochanan Afek ( Israele / Paesi Bassi )
Giudice: Harold van der Heijden ( Paesi Bassi ).
Trasmettere le composizioni a Yochanan Afek:

EG 2014-2015, C 31-XII-2015

EG 2014-2015
Direttore: Ed van de Gevel ( Paesi Bassi ).
Giudice: Luis Miguel Gonzales ( Spagna ).
Spedire gli studi a Ed van de Gevel: tourneys, C 31-XII-2015

Интернет-журнал «» объявляет новый годовой конкурс составления ортодоксальных задач и этюдов. Принять участие в конкурсе ChessStar-2015 могут только зарегистрированные пользователи, стандартно.

# 2: Судья – ()
# 3: Судья – ()
# n: Судья – ()
Этюды: Судья – ()

Произведения будут приниматься с 1-го января по 31-ое декабря 2015 года, включительно.
Установлены призы, почётные и похвальные отзывы.
Предварительные итоги будут опубликованы на сайте и разосланы всем подписчикам 31 января 2016 года.
Директор турнира Ферхат Кармиль

Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1965-2015 50th Jubilee, C 31-XII-2015

Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1965-2015 50th Jubilee

To celebrate Sinfonie Scacchistiche's 50th Jubilee, A.P.I. (Associazione Problemistica Italiana) organizes an International Informal tourney in the year 2015.

• Direct in 2 moves [≠2] [Judge: Marco GUIDA]

• Direct in n moves [n= ≠3-5] [Judge: Valerio AGOSTINI]

• Selfmate in n moves [n= S≠2-5] [Judge: Alberto ARMENI]

• Helpmate in 2 moves [H≠2] [Judge: Francesco SIMONI]

• Helpmate in n moves [n= H≠2,5-5] [Judge: Antonio GAROFALO]

• Studies [+/=] [Judges: Marco CAMPIOLI, Enzo MINERVA] (**)

• Orthodox SPG [Shortest Proof Games] [Judge: Marco BONAVOGLIA]
(if computer tested please indicate C+ and the program used)

• Fairy: required are Help-Selfmate in n moves [n= HS≠2-4]
(any number of fairy pieces, max 1 fairy condition) [Judge: Mario PARRINELLO]

Free theme in all sections.

All entries must be received within 31/12/2015 by the Tournament Director, exclusively via e-mail ( and will be published in the magazine (each participant will receive a copy of the publication and the award).

Direttore: Valerio Agostini ( Perugia, Italia ).
Giudici: Enzo Minerva ( Lesa, Italia ), Marco Campioli ( Sassuolo, Italia ).
Inviare le composizioni entro il 31 dicembre 2015 a Valerio Agostini:
Award spedito a tutti i partecipanti, su Sinfonie Scacchistiche e nel sito Informal Tourneys 2015, C 31-XII-2015

Announcement (02.01.2015) : The website for chess composition KoBulChess announces its Informal tourneys for 2015 in the following sections - #2, #3, H#2, H#n, S#, Fairies.
Here you can see the judges and emails of the editors.

#2 - Valery Kopyl (Ukraine)
#3 - C.G.S.Narayanan (India)
H#2 - Vitaly Medintsev (Russia)
H#n - Zivko Janevski (Macedonia)
S# - Waldemar Tura (Poland)
Fairies - Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)

Please send your originals to the editors by email:
#2, #3, H#2, H#n - Editor: Seetharaman Kalyan, email:
S#, Fairies - Editor: Diyan Kostadinov, email:

MT Mecislavas Palevicious, C31-xii-2015

Announcement (18.10.2015)

The Lithuanian chess composers` society announces a memorial tourney of Mecislavas Palevicius.

Theme: serial (all kinds) mate or stalemate problem with neutral pawns. Other fairy pieces or conditions are allowed. No more than 15 moves.

Entries must be sent by 1st of January, 2016, to director of tourney Borisas Gelpernas, Vytenio g. 27-15, LT-03112 Vilnius, Lithuania or by e-mail: Write your post address.

The judge will be announced latterly.

Prizes: books.

The award will be announced in „Sachmatija“ in the middle of 2016.

Springaren informal Tourneys 2015, C 31-XII-2015

Springaren announces it’s informal tourneys 2015 in the following sections (with editors):

#2, #3, #n - Rolf Uppström
studier - Margus Sööt
h#, s# - Kenneth Solja
fairies - Kjell Widlert
Deadline : 31 Dec 2015

Website of the Svenska Problemschackklubben:

Tehtäväniekka informal Tourneys 2015, C 31-XII-2015

Tehtäväniekka announces it’s informal tourneys 2015 in the following sections (with editors):
#2, #3, #n – Mikael Grönroos
studies – Pauli Perkonoja
helpmates – Harry Fougiaxis
selfmates – Johan Beije
fairies – Kenneth Solja

Deadline : 31-Dec-2015

API Giubileo-50, C 31-XII-2015

Giubileo - 50 Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1965-2015
L’A.P.I. (Associazione Problemistica Italiana), in occasione del cinquantesimo anniversario della fondazione del suo Organo Ufficiale (Luglio 1965), indice ed organizza un Concorso Informale Internazionale per l’anno 2015 quale celebrativo per il Giubileo di Sinfonie Scacchistiche. La gara sarà aperta a tutti ed articolata nelle seguenti sezioni:
•       Diretti in 2 mosse [≠2] tema libero [Giudice: Marco GUIDA]
•       Diretti in n mosse [n=≠3-5] tema libero [Giudice: Valerio AGOSTINI]
•       Automatti in n mosse [n=S≠2-5] tema libero [Giudice: Alberto ARMENI]
•       Aiutomatti in 2 mosse [H≠2] tema libero [Giudice: Francesco SIMONI]
•       Aiutomatti in n mosse [n=H2,5-5] tema libero [Giudice: Antonio GAROFALO]
•       Studi [+/=] tema libero [Giudici : Marco CAMPIOLI Enzo MINERVA]
•       SPG [Shortest Proof Games] - ortodosse a tema libero (specificare se C+ o C- ed il programma usato per l’analisi) [Giudice:  Marco BONAVOGLIA]
•       Fairy HS≠ in n mosse [n=2-4] tema libero - pezzi fairy: liberi - condizioni fairy: max 1                           [Giudice:  Mario PARRINELLO]
Tutti i lavori dovranno pervenire entro il 31 dicembre 2015 al Direttore del Torneo esclusiva- mente per via e-mail [] e saranno pubblicati sulla Rivista (ogni partecipante riceverà copia del giustificativo e del verdetto).

e4 e5 magazine, Informal Tourneys, C 25-XII-2015

The "e4 e5" magazine announces the following two international composing tourneys in 2015 :

A. #2 - free theme. Judge : Bosko Miloseski

B. Endgame studies - free theme. Judge : Richard Becker,

Send your compositions before 25th December 2015 to

The compositions will be published at "e4 e5" magazine.

All participants will receive the award by email.

Maximum number of entries per composer : 5.

Sylwester Ty, C14-xii-2015

Award (31/12/2015)

The Commission for Chess Compositions of Polish Chess Federation announces an informal international composing tournament for twomovers [#2] with at least one piece from the following groups
a) Grasshopper - Rookhopper – Bishopper
b) Lion – LionRook – LionBishop
c) Leo – Pao - Vao

Free theme.
Zeropositions, fairy conditions and other fairy pieces are not allowed.

Judge: Jarosław BRZOZOWICZ
3 prizes.

Closing date: December 14th 2015.
Problems on diagrams or in notation with the complete solution should be sent by e–mail:



Polish Chess Federation announces an informal international composing tourney in following sections:
• twomovers [#2] – judge Stefan MILEWSKI
• threemovers [#3] – judge Henryk GRUDZIŃSKI
• endgames [eg] – judge Jan RUSINEK
• selfmates in 2 moves [s#2] – judge Waldemar TURA
• selfmates in 3 – 6 moves [s#3-6] – judge Eugeniusz IWANOW
• helpmates in 2-3 moves [h#2-3] – judge Piotr MURDZIA.

In each group there are 3 prizes.
Problems are published on up to date on the Polish Chess Federation site [originals] [solutions]

Closing date: December 1st 2015.
Problems on diagram or in notation with the complete solution send to:

#2 (15-i-2016)