KoBulChess.com Informal Tourneys 2015, C 31-XII-2015

Announcement (02.01.2015) : The website for chess composition KoBulChess announces its Informal tourneys for 2015 in the following sections - #2, #3, H#2, H#n, S#, Fairies.
Here you can see the judges and emails of the editors.

#2 - Valery Kopyl (Ukraine)
#3 - C.G.S.Narayanan (India)
H#2 - Vitaly Medintsev (Russia)
H#n - Zivko Janevski (Macedonia)
S# - Waldemar Tura (Poland)
Fairies - Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)

Please send your originals to the editors by email:
#2, #3, H#2, H#n - Editor: Seetharaman Kalyan, email: seetharamankalyan@gmail.com
S#, Fairies - Editor: Diyan Kostadinov, email: dkostadinov@abv.bg