5th International Internet Ty UAPA, C30-x-2017


Section  A : Thematic – Domination – Slogan : Win
 Pieces minors  capture the Queen

In this  section  In the initial position, additional pieces may be present 

Section B :  Theme Free

B.1. Studies Win

B.2Studies Draw

Judge Peter Gyarmati (Hungary) 

Entries – not more than three per composer (in each subsection) 

– Send to the tourney director: Mario G. García (Argentina). Email: marioggarcia@gmail.com 

– Closing date 30.10.2017 

– All the selected original studies periodically will be posted on the website of the UAPA: http://www.problemistasajedrez.com.ar

- Prizes , honourable mentions , commendations and special nominations will be awarded.
- The provisional award will be issued in February  2018, and  you can see in the same website and will be sent-to-participants-by-e-mail.

Italian Composing Tourneys ASIGS, C30-x-2017

The Italian Correspondence Chess Association (ASIGC)

Announce the

12° International Chess Composing Tournament 2017
2# - free theme – Judge: Marco Guida

14° International Chess Composing Tournament 2017
H#2 - free theme - Judge Int.: Antonio Garofalo

Original chess problems are requested. No zero-position, no fairies.

Originals will appear in Newsletter Asigc and every composer will receive via email the justificative and copy of award.
There will be diploma ASIGC for the top three.

Send to: vitorallo@virgilio.it

Closing date: 30.10.2017

Pat A Mat Tourneys, C14-x-2017

PAT A MAT has pleasure in announcing international tourneys for

a) orthodox twomovers 2017 (judge Zoltan Labai, Slovakia)
2#, send to Peter Gvozdjak, email : peter.gvozdjak@gmail.com

b) threemovers 2016-2017 (judge Michal Dragoun, Czechia)
3#, send to Marian Krizovensky, email : marian.krizovensky@gmail.com

c) moremovers 2016-2017 (judge Grigorij Popov, Russia)
n#, send to Juraj Lorinc, email : juraj.lorinc@gmail.com

d) studies 2016-2017 (judge Peter Gyarmati, Hungary)
+/=, send to L'ubos Kekely, email : kekely@zmail.sk

e) helpmates 2017 (judge Valerij Kirillov, Russia)
h#, Ladislav Packa, email : laco.packa@gmail.com

f) selfmates and reflexmates 2016-2017 (judge Ladislav Salai jr., Slovakia)
s#, Josev Havran, email : havran@computerservis.sk

g) fairy helpmates 2017 (judge Vaclav Kotesovec, Chesko)
send to Juraj Brabek, email : brabec@brabec.sk

h) other fairy compositions off all kinds 2017 (judge Juraj Brabec, Slovakia)
send to Juraj Brabek, email : brabec@brabec.sk

Send entries as soon as possible but before 15th October of the year.