Die Schwalbe 2015-2016, C 31-XII-2016

Die Schwalbe 2015-2016
Direttore: Michael Roxlau ( Germania ).
Spedire gli elaborati alla redazione della rubrica STUDI della rivista tedesca:



IM Jorge J. Lois is turning 70 years old in December 05, 2016.
To celebrate, the Unión Argentina de Problemistas de Ajedrez has organized the Jubilee Tourney Jorge J. Lois - 70 in four stipulations mentioned below:

h#2, h#2.5-3, h#3.5-n and Proof games. In all those cases the theme is free.

Judge: Jorge J. Lois
- The entries must be sent by mail to the Director of the event Mario Guido García marioggarcia@gmail.com .
- Closing date: December 31, 2016

The award will be published on the site of the Unión Argentina de Problemistas de Ajedrez,  http://www.problemistasajedrez.com.ar site dedicated to the history of chess problem composition in Argentina.

AWARD (17/07/2017) :

Final Award : http://www.problemistasajedrez.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Award-Final-JT70-Jorge-Lois-.pdf

Neue Zürcher Zeitung Tournament, C31-XII-2016

Neue Zürcher Zeitung Tournament, C31-XII-2016

Internationales NZZ-Kompositionsturnier 2015-2016 für orthodoxe 2# und 3#
Die Neue Zürcher Zeitung schreibt für 2015-2016 ihr 20. internationales Kompositionsturnier in den Kategorien Zweizüger und Dreizüger (orthodoxe, direkte Mattprobleme, freie Themenwahl) aus.
Preisrichter: 2# und 3#: Abdelaziz Onkoud (F)
Einsendungen an: anievergelt@hotmail.com
(oder: Andreas Nievergelt, Langgasse 37, CH-8400 Winterthur)
Den Gewinnern winken Geldpreise.

NZZ - International composition tournament 2015-2016
The “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” announces for 2015-2016 the 20th international composition tournament in the categories 2# and 3#.
Judge: 2# and 3#: Abdelaziz Onkoud (F)
Submissions to: anievergelt@hotmail.com
(or: Andreas Nievergelt, Langgasse 37, CH-8400 Winterthur)
The winners will receive cash prizes.

Kонкурс «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» 2015-2016
Редакция газеты «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» объявляет конкурс составления шахматных задач 2015-2016.
Разделы: 2# и 3# - судья: Abdelaziz Onkoud
Композиции присылать по адресу anievergelt@hotmail.com
(или: Andreas Nievergelt, Langgasse 37, CH-8400 Winterthur)
Денежние призы.

Kobulchess.com tourneys 2016, C 31-xii-2016

Announcement :

Troll Problemschach Informal Tourney 2015-2016, C31-XII-2016

Turnierausschreibung 2015-2016 (tourney announcement)

TROLL Zweijahres-Informalturniere:
(TROLL announces 2-year-tourneys for orthodox #2, #3, #n)

#2 Preisrichter: Daniel Papack
#3 Preisrichter: N.N.
#n Preisrichter: N.N.

post: Udo Degener, Stephensonstr. 47, D - 14482 Potsdam, Germany


Emil Gherman - 85 JT, C 25-xii-2016

To celebrate the 85th anniversary of Emil Gherman,
“e4 e5” organizes “Emil GHERMAN – 85 Jubilee Tourney” for Fairies.
Free theme.
The judge will be Karol MLYNKA (Slovakia).
Unlimited entries, to be send until 25th of December 2016 to: karol.mlynka@pobox.sk.
Open the official page here: http://www.chessplayer.ro/tourneys_2015.html
The problems are published here: http://www.chessplayer.ro/files/e4_e5_no33.pdf

Mihaiu Cioflâncă-70 JT, C25-xii-2016

"Mihaiu Cioflâncă-70" JT 2016
A Formal International Composing Jubilee Tourney «Mihaiu CIOFLÂNCĂ-70» 2016 is announced in two sections:

1) helpmates in 2 moves. 
Theme is free. 
Judge: Vitaly MEDINTSEV (Russia).

2) helpmates in 3 move. 
Theme is free. Judge: 
Vitaly MEDINTSEV (Russia).

Award will be published on the websitehttp://clubulproblemistilorromani.blogspot.ro/p/mihaiu-ciof
Also, the award (brief version) will be published in the magazine «e4 e5».. All participants will receive the award by email. 

Entries should be sent to Dan-Constantin Gurgui on his e-mail: www_chessplayer_ro@yahoo.com 
until December 25, 2016.

e4 e5, C 24-xii-2016

The "e4 e5" magazine announces the following two international composing tourneys in 2016:

A. #2 – free theme. Judge: Boško Milošeski and

B. Endgame studies - free theme. Judge: Arpad RUSZ

Send your compositions before December 25th 2016 to www_chessplayer_ro@yahoo.com
The compositions will be published in the "e4 e5" magazine.
All participants will receive the award by email.
Maximum number of entries per composer: 5.