TT-103, C 20 I 2014

Tourney name: "The collapse of illusions".
Section: #2 (twomovers).
Theme: In the set play, there are mates on one and the same square in response to different black moves. Key move must be made to that square (key on the set-mate-square) with changed mates.
Enlargement of thematic variations in the set play and try-play (tries) with first move on thematic square are welcomed as well as a quiet key move (without capturing of a black pawn).
Judge: Evgeny Permyakov.
Closing date: January 20, 2014.
Entries should be sent to the judge on the e-mail:
Award will be published on the website 

Примеры | Examples

H. Prins
L'Echiquier Belge, 2005

1...Rd5 2.Qxf4#
1...fxe2 2.Rfxf4#
1...R:h8 2.Rgxf4#

1.Sxf4! (2.Qc4#)

1...Rd5 2.Se6#
1...fxe2 2.Sfxe2#
1...Rxh8 2.Sd3#
1...Qa2 2.Rd1#
диаграмма - сервер временно недоступен | diagram - server is temporally unavaiable
M. Kovachevic
D. Müller-50 JT, 1997

1...Sg5 2.Qc5#
1...Re2 2.Bc5#
1...Bxd5 2.c5#

1.Sc5! (2.Se4#)

1...Sg5 2.Rhd7#
1...Re2 2.Qd7#
1...Bxd5 2.Rad7#
1...Re8 2.S:b7#
диаграмма - сервер временно недоступен | diagram - server is temporally unavaiable