ЮК "Николай Коблов - 75" 2013, C 25 IX 2013

ЮК "Николай Коблов - 75" 2013

Объявляется международный юбилейный конкурс составления ортодоксальных трёхходовых задач-миниатюр "Николай Коблов - 75". Тема свободная. Судья - Сергей Билык. Призовой фонд - 10 000 рублей. Композиции посылать до 25 сентября 2013 года в адрес юбиляра Коблова Николая Александровича: Батумское шоссе, 67А, кв. 51, Сочи, 354207, Россия или на e-mail: malmor48@mail.ru(предпочтительнее). Итоги конкурса будут опубликованы в журнале "Семь шахматных нот" в 2014 году, а также разосланы всем участникам конкурса по электронной почте.

Nicholai Koblov - 75 JT, 2013

An international jubilee composing tourney  Nicholai Koblov - 75  is announced in the following section: # 3, miniatures only. Theme is free. Judge: Sergei Bilyk. The prize fund - 10 000 RUR.
Entries should be sent (preferably to e-mail: malmor48@mail.ru) to Nicholai Koblov, Batumskoe shosse 67A, kv. 51, Sochi, 354207, Russia.

Closing date: 25.09.2013. Award will be published in the magazine  Seven Chess Notes in

2014. All participants will receive a copy of award via e-mail.

Composition Tourneys in WCCC, Batumi 2013, C 20 IX 2013

Here are Announcements and/or Awards from the composition Tourneys in WCCC, Batumi 2013.

The president of WFCC mr Harry Fougiaxis has compiled (22 Oct 2013) a bulletin file with all the proceedings in Batumi.

D.Gurgenidze 60 JT Announcementjt_gurgenidze-60_2013_congress-batumi.pdf
G.Mosiashvili 65 JT Announcement...
G.Nadareishvili MT Announcementmt_nadareishvili_eg_2013_congress-batumi.pdf
SPIŠSKÁ BOROVIČKA AnnouncementAward of 25th TT spisska borovicka
4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2013 Announcement4th-bulgarian-wine-tourney.html
1° Azemmour AnnouncementAward_1o_Azemmour.pdf
11th Romanian Tzuica Tourney AnnouncementTzuica-2013-Award.pdf
2013 13th Sake Announcement...
2th Azerbaijan Study tourney, Batumi 2013 Announcement...
Jenever Ty 2013 Announcement...
Sabra 16 AnnouncementSabra 16 Award revised
VODKA 2013 Announcement?VODKA TOURNEY-awards.pdf
Champagne 2013 Announcement?Notes of award

3rd FIDE World Cup in Composing 2013, C 01 IX 2013

3rd FIDE World Cup in Composing 2013

The International Chess Federation (FIDE), within the framework of its "Chess Composition" special project, is organising the 3rd FIDE World Cup in Composing for 2013 in eight sections.
The tournament is coordinated with the WFCC Presidium and is a part of the joint efforts by FIDE and WFCC for the popularization and development of chess composition worldwide.
The tournament sections and judges are as follows:
A.Twomovers – Judge: Vasil Dyachuk (Ukraine)
B. Threemovers – Judge: Miodrag Mladenović (Serbia)
C. Moremovers – Judge: Mikhail Marandyuk (Ukraine)
D.Endgame studies – Judge: Iuri Akobia (Georgia)
E. Helpmates – Judge: Fadil Abdurahmanović (Bosnia & Herzegovina) and Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia)
F. Selfmates – Judge: Zoran Gavrilovski (Macedonia)
G. Fairies – Judge: Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)
H.Retros and Proofgames – Judge: Silvio Baier (Germany)
In each section, only one composition by each author is acceptable and joint compositions are not allowed.
The theme is free in all sections, and any number of moves is acceptable in the h# and s# sections. In the fairies section, only computer-tested problems by one of the Alybadix, Popeye or WinChloe programs are allowed; the participants should state with which software they tested their composition.
The Director of the tournament is Dmitry Turevsky.
Entries must be sent in diagrams with complete solution and any comments by e-mail only to the director's address: dmitri.turevski@gmail.com
Participants should mention their postal address in the e-mail.
The closing date is September 1st, 2013.
The director will send all compositions to the judges on standardised anonymous diagrams by September 15th, 2013.
All judges should prepare their awards by December 1st, 2013.
The results will be published on the Internet by December 15th, 2013 and they will be declared final after two months allowed for claims of anticipation and unsoundness.
In each section, cups for 1st places, prizes, honourable mentions and commendations will be awarded, as well as certificates for the prizes signed by the President of the FIDE Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.
All participants will receive a copy of the booklet with the final awards.

A. http://www.wfcc.ch/wp-content/uploads/A-3FIDECUP-pre.pdf
B. http://www.wfcc.ch/wp-content/uploads/B-3FIDECUP-pre.pdf
C. http://www.wfcc.ch/wp-content/uploads/C-3FIDECUP-pre.pdf
D. http://www.wfcc.ch/wp-content/uploads/D-3FIDECUP-pre.pdf
E. http://www.wfcc.ch/wp-content/uploads/E-3FIDECUP-pre.pdf
F. http://www.wfcc.ch/wp-content/uploads/F-3FIDECUP-pre.pdf
G. http://www.wfcc.ch/wp-content/uploads/G-3FIDECUP-pre.pdf
H. http://www.wfcc.ch/wp-content/uploads/H-3FIDECUP-pre.pdf

The Macedonian Problemist 2013 informal tourney, C 01 IX 2013

Here is the announcement of The Macedonian Problemist – the League (TMP – tL) 2013:

Composers are invited to submit their originals in four sections – #2, #3, h#2-3 and s#2-6 (free themes) for TMP - tL 2013 to:
Zoran Gavrilovski, P. fah 137, Skopje MK-1001, Macedonia
(e-mail: mprobl@yahoo.com) by 1.9.2013.

Participants will evaluate problems by e-mail, excluding their own entries.
The awards will be published in 2013.

Pat a Mat, issue 85, 09/2013

Issue 85 : http://jurajlorinc.com/chess/PAM_PDF/PaM_85.pdf

Contains originals