Julia's Fairies Informal Tourney 2013 (I)

Announcement : http://juliasfairies.com/informal-tourneys-2013/

Original Problems Published at Julia’s Fairies in January-April, 2013. Fairy problems participate in informal tourney of this period. The judge: Juraj Brabec.

See original problems : http://juliasfairies.com/problems/jf-2013-i/

Preliminary Award (May 2013) : http://juliasfairies.com/tourneys/tourneys-results/award-jf-2013-i/

TT "World Asthma Day 2013", C 30 IV 2013

Source : http://www.pzrdig2.bloger.index.hr/post/thematic-tournament-world-asthma-day-2013/19309737.aspx


Chess Club of Persons with Chronic Respiratory Diseases "Aer" in collaboration with the Society for Chess Composition and Puzzles Zagreb organizes thematic internet chess composition tournament.

Theme: White piece makes key moves in at least three phases of twomover.

There may be two or more thematic pieces.
Upgrading with additional themes, or changes of play or mates, are welcome.
In case of white correction, the random move of white piece will be considered as one thematic move.
Twins, zero-positions and problems with multiple solutions are NOT allowed!

The problems will be evaluated and ranked by the jury.

Send to: chesscomposition#gmail.com or pzrdig2#gmail.com

Closing date: April 30th 2013.

Tournament director: Dejan Glišić

Problems will be published on the websites "PZR Zagreb" (blog & Facebook), and reproduced in the bulletin "PZR Zagreb", the enigmatic magazines "Feniks" and "Kvizorama", or in the most popular Croatian newspaper "Večernji list" and "24 hours".



Mihajlo Smoljanović, World Asthma Day, 2012.
Tries: 1.Sh4? ~2.Sg6#, 1...Te4/Tf4+ 2.Sd3/ef4#, but 1...c5!; 1.Sg3? ~2.Sd3#, 1...Td4/Tf4+/Tb3/Tb2 2.ed4/ef4/Sc4/Lb2#, but 1...Ta3!
Solution: 1.Se7! ~2.Sg6#, 1...c5/Te4/Tf4+ 2.Td5/Sd3/exf4#

Živko Janevski, 1 Prize Mitrinović MT, 1982. 
Tries: 1.Tc6? zz 1...Sf~/Sg~ 2.Lg6/Tf6#, but 1...Se5!; 1.Te1? zz 1...Sf~/Sg~ 2.De4/Te5#, but 1...Se3!
Solution: 1.Tg1! zz 1...Sf~/Sg~ 2.hxg4/Tg5#


Juraj Brabec, Československý šach, 1964.
Tries: 1.Dc1? ~2.Dxe3#, 1...d4/Kf4/Kd4/S~ 2.Dc7/Txf5/Dc3/Txd5#, but 1...f4!;  1.Dg1? ~2.Dxe3#, 1...Kf4/Kd4/f4/S~ 2.Dg3/Txd5/Dg7/Txf5#, but 1...d4! 
Solution: 1.De1! ~2.Dxe3#, 1...d4/Kf4/Kd4/f4 2.Txf5/Dg3/Dc3/Txd5#

Vasil Djačuk, 2 HM Hlas l'udu, 1996.
Tries: 1.Df8? ~2.Dxe7#/Sc8#, but 1...Db7!; 1.Da6? 2.Sc8#/Sc4#, but 1...Dc6!; 1.Df4? 2.Sc4#/Dxe5#, but 1...Dd5!
Solution: 1.Df6! ~2.Dxe5#/Dxe7#, 1...S7c6 2.Sc8#, 1...S5c6 2.Sc4#

Oscar Jorge Carlsson memorial tourney, C 23 IV 2013

Memorial Tourney Oscar Jorge Carlsson

Direttore: Jorge Kapros ( Argentina )
Giudice: Iuri Akobia ( Georgia )
Tema libero
Non sono ammessi “ gemelli “.
Spedire i finali artistici - 2 al massimo per ogni autore - entro il 23 aprile 2013
a Jorge Kapros: ojcarlssonmt@gmail.com
Award nei siti http://www.argentinodeajedrez.org.ar/, http://akobia.geoweb.ge/

(Source : Tornei di Studi, NewsLetter ASIGC n. 24 – Aprile 2013)

Nikolay Zujev-60 jubilee tourney, C 10 IV 2013

Jubilee tourney Nikolay Zujev – 60

On the occasion of 9th European chess solving championship The Lithuanian chess composers` society announces a jubilee tourney Nikolay Zujev – 60 in two parts.
Entries are to be sent
(1) by 1st of April, 2013, to Nikolay Zujev, Poilsio g.16-18, LT-93174 Klaipėda, Lithuania or
(2) by e-mail to zuev53@list.ru, in that case by 10th of April, 2013.

The judge will be Nikolay Zujev. The award will be announced in the closing ceremony of 9th ECSC on Sunday 28th of April, 2013. See full announcement!

Award (25-04-2013) : see here