Dan-Constantin Gurgui-50 jubilee tourney, C 31 XII 2013

The “e4 e5″ magazine announces a formal tournament for the 50th birthday of Romanian problemist  Dan-Constantin  Gurgui.  H#2, with a free theme, no zeropositions, duplex  or fairy pieces.
Start date: January 1st.
Closing date: December 31st 2013.
Judge: Zivko Janevski, International Judge of FIDE, P.Box 163, 1480 Gevgelija, Macedonia, zivko@t-home.mk

Please send your entries to chessplayerro@yahoo.com.

The problems will be published in “e4 e5″ magazine.
All participants will receive the award by email.
Maximum number of entries per composer: 5.

Award : http://www.chessplayer.ro/files/DCGurgui-50_JT_2013.pdf