Announcements of Chess Composition Tourneys, Tourney Awards, Internetic Composition Magazines
K. Seetharaman-64 jubilee tourney, C 18 III 2013
To celebrate his birthday and his fairy invention Superguards, K.Seetharaman, (India) announces a Theme Tourney for problems featuring Superguards, the new Fairy Condition.
Definition of Superguards: Any piece (including Kings and pawns), which is observed by another piece of the same color cannot be captured. Pinned pieces also observe.
The tourney will have two sections.
Section A is for Directmates in Two or Three moves.
Section B is for Helpplay problems of upto three moves, of the following types:
Helpmates, Helpselfmates, Help-stalemates and Help-selfstalemates.
Twins allowed in Section A.
Twins and multisolutions (but no Zero positions) allowed in Section B.
No other fairy conditions or fairy pieces are allowed.
Judge: K.Seetharaman
Computer-tested problems may be sent to the Tourney Director Mr.C.G.S.Narayanan (India)
by email. <>.
At present Superguards problems can be checked in WinChloe. (version 3.20).
Closing date of the Tourney March 18, 2013.
Award (31/05/2013) :