(PÁSZTOR József - 60 jubileumi verseny)
PÁSZTOR József magyar sakkszerző mester születésének 60. évfordulója alkalmából
nemzetközi sakkfeladvány-szerző versenyt rendezünk az alábbi osztályokban:
I.: Önmatt 5 –10 lépésben. Szabad téma. Versenybíró: PÁSZTOR József
II.: Segítőmatt 3 lépésben. Szabad téma. Versenybíró: CSÁK János
Pályázatok ábrán, teljes megfejtéssel, névvel és címmel ellátva a versenyvezető
címére (MAJOROS Béla, Bakonyoszlop, Kossuth u. 8., 8418),
vagy majoroschess@gmail.com e-mail címre küldhetők.
Határidő: 2018. június 30.
(József PÁSZTOR - 60 jubilee tourney)
We organize a JT Tourney on the occasion of the 60th birthday of the Hungarian chessproblem
composer master, József PÁSZTOR, in the following classes:
I: Selfmates in 5-10 moves. The theme is free. Judge: József PÁSZTOR
II: Helpmates in 3 moves. The theme is free. Judge: János CSÁK
Please send your entry with diagram, full solution, name and address of author to the
tournament director, Béla MAJOROS.
The postal address is: Bakonyoszlop, Kossuth u. 8., H-8418, Hungary,
e-mail: majoroschess@gmail.com
The deadline is 30th June 2018.
Announcements of Chess Composition Tourneys, Tourney Awards, Internetic Composition Magazines
"e4 e5" 10 Years JT 2017, C30-vi-2018
"e4 e5" international Composing Tourney
10 Years Jubilee Tourney 2017 Fairies
h#2 – informal tourney, free theme, only the Princess fairy pieces are allowed.
Zero-positions and other fairy pieces and/or conditions are not allowed.
Judge: Anatoly Karamanits (Ukraine).
Unlimited entries.
Closing date: June 30, 2018
Send your compositions to www_chessplayer_ro@yahoo.com.
The compositions will be published in the "e4 e5" magazine.
10 Years Jubilee Tourney 2017 Fairies
h#2 – informal tourney, free theme, only the Princess fairy pieces are allowed.
Zero-positions and other fairy pieces and/or conditions are not allowed.
Judge: Anatoly Karamanits (Ukraine).
Unlimited entries.
Closing date: June 30, 2018
Send your compositions to www_chessplayer_ro@yahoo.com.
The compositions will be published in the "e4 e5" magazine.
Arthur Willmott MT 2017 - C30-vi-2018
Arthur Willmott Memorial Tourney 2017 Fairies
H#2 – informal tourney, free theme, only Princess fairy pieces are allowed.
Zero-positions and fairy pieces and/or conditions are not allowed.
Judge: Anatoly Karamanits (Ukraine).
Maximum number of entries per composer: 5.
Send your compositions to Dan-Constantin Gurgui via e-mail: www_chessplayer_ro@yahoo.com
Award will be published on the “e4 e5” magazine.
All participants will receive the award by e-mail.
Closing date: June 30, 2018.
H#2 – informal tourney, free theme, only Princess fairy pieces are allowed.
Zero-positions and fairy pieces and/or conditions are not allowed.
Judge: Anatoly Karamanits (Ukraine).
Maximum number of entries per composer: 5.
Send your compositions to Dan-Constantin Gurgui via e-mail: www_chessplayer_ro@yahoo.com
Award will be published on the “e4 e5” magazine.
All participants will receive the award by e-mail.
Closing date: June 30, 2018.
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