1st Israeli Open Composing Tourney, C 31 V 2013

The Israeli Chess Composition Society (http://www.variantim.org/) has announced the 1st Israeli Open Composing Tourney, having two sections :
1. Section two-movers, dedicated to the memory of Yefim Rukhlis.
2. Section helpmate two-movers, dedicated to Jean Haymann on occasion of his 80's birthday

Announcement (Deadline 2013-05-31) : http://www.variantim.org/1st_israel_open_composition_tourney_b.pdf

Related articles :
(1) Two-mover Cycles: Why discriminate the mate?, by Paz Einat http://www.variantim.org/2x_theme_article.pdf
(2) Dynamic Square obstructions as a tool for dual avoidance in helpmates in 2 moves, by Shaul Shamir

Ivan Antipin-60 jubilee tourney C 17 V 2013

Two sections: h#2, h#3. No fairy pieces or conditions.
Theme: free.
Judge: Vitaly Medintsev
Entries to: vitalymedintsev@rambler.ru

The award will be published on the website www.chesscomposer.ru in the second half of 2013.
All participants will receive a copy of the award by e-mail.

Closing date: 17 May 2013